
As Enerjisa Üretim, we proactively identify areas in our industry and specific operational domains that require adaptation. We are committed to investing in human-centric ecosystems and innovative business models to pave the way for a brighter future. Sustainability stands as a cornerstone of our priorities, and we are dedicated to enhancing the sustainability of our existing investments through our environmental, social, and governance initiatives in the regions we operate. With this vision, we aspire to become a frontrunner in both the energy sector and the broader business landscape, leveraging our implemented strategies for short, medium, and long-term success.


Çevre İzleme

Environmental Monitoring Studies

Construction activities of the YEKA RES-2 project are conducted in alignment with international standards. In addition to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report prepared in accordance with local regulations, the project adheres to the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report to comply with international standards. Mindful of our environmental footprint and the identified mitigation measures, we are committed to implementing best industry practices.



Monitoring studies of flora, fauna, birds, and bats continue in project areas and their vicinity for the management of our biodiversity impacts. Identification of target species, the presence in the area, and the density of birds and bats in the region are determined according to international criteria. The Biodiversity Action Plan Framework, outlining necessary measures and monitoring activities, is shared on this page.



Construction activities of the YEKA RES-2 project are carried out considering social impact indicators included in the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report, which is compliant with international standards in addition to local regulatory requirements. Conscious of our social impacts, we are committed to implementing best industry practices. In this context, you can access Stakeholder Engagement Plans shared on their respective pages.

Resettlement Action Framework

This framework addresses potential social risks and impacts related to land acquisition, expropriation, and urgent expropriation activities identified during the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) process of the project. Mitigation measures and monitoring activities compliant with national legislation and international standards are included in the Resettlement Action Framework. Site-specific Resettlement Action Plans will be prepared and disclosed after the finalization of the studies. Please see our Resettlement Action Framework for more details.

Guidance to Land Acquisition and Compensation (GLAC)

A Guidance to Land Acquisition and Compensation (GLAC) document has been prepared to ensure inform our stakeholders about the land acquisition process.
You can review our Guidance to Land Acquisition and Compensation (GLAC).

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment


Site-specific Environmental and Social Impact Assessment studies have been conducted to comprehensively assess and identify potential positive and negative impacts on the environment and community. This study is based on the 'hierarchy of risk and impact mitigation' approach aimed at preventing risks and impacts if technically and financially feasible and compensating, or balancing if there are any permanent effects and forms the basis of the Project's Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS). Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Reports have been shared on their respective pages.
