Frequently Asked Questions

About the Project

Nine power plants are planned to be established within the project scope (Muğla excluded).

The project development processes have started in 2020.

The projects are targeted to be completed in 2025.

The total investment cost of the YEKA Project (excluding Muğla) has been determined as 1.1 billion US dollars.

The projects will be operated by Enerjisa Energy Generation Inc.

The projects will be operated for 49 years.

It will include approximately 100 km of Energy Transmission Line.

The turbines used in projects vary, but the tip height typically ranges from 150 to 180 meters.

In addition to turbine areas, there will be switchyards, temporary storage areas, and electricity transmission lines.


In order to manage the potential negative environmental impacts that may arise from the project, for each power plant, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) studies have been conducted in line with international standards. All potential risks of the project have been identified, and necessary measures have been determined. The reports prepared on this matter can be accessed from our website.

YEKA RES-2 competitions were organized for 4 different connection regions. The main factors considered in determining the locations of the projects in Aydın, Balıkesir, and Çanakkale Connection regions are as follows: 

  • Wind Potential: One of the most important factors is the region's wind potential. Wind speed and consistency determine a region's wind energy potential. Generally, higher and more consistent winds have a greater potential for energy production. 
  • Geographic Factors: Geographic factors such as terrain structure, altitude, and orientation affect the location of turbines. Flat, open areas are more suitable for wind turbines. 
  • Environmental Impacts: The environmental impacts of wind energy plants should be considered during the site selection process. The project area should be determined as much as possible by evaluating natural conditions and environmental sensitivities. Unavoidable impacts are managed through mitigation and preventive activities outlined in the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). 
  • Legislation: WPP locations are determined in accordance with legislation. Therefore, legislative permitting processes are regarded throughout the development process. 
  • Infrastructure and Access: The presence of infrastructure and access facilities is an important factor in the locations where wind energy plants will be established. Proximity to the electrical grid and transportation options are considered during the project development process. 
  • Community Acceptance: WPPs are often subject to community acceptance. In location selection, the concerns and opinions of the community are taken into consideration. 

Wind energy plants provide various benefits: 

  • Clean Energy Production: Wind energy is a cleaner energy source compared to fossil fuels. Wind turbines help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and environmental pollution while generating electricity. 
  • Sustainability: Wind energy is an unlimited and renewable resource. Wind turbines operate on the principle of generating electricity without depleting natural resources. 
  • Energy Security: Wind energy reduces dependency on energy imports and enhances energy security. 
  • Green Employment: Wind energy projects provide job opportunities in areas such as construction, maintenance, operation, and management. 
  • Economic Growth: Wind energy projects stimulate economic growth. Investments in renewable energy projects contribute to the local economy. 
  • Environmental Benefits: Wind turbines provide a more environmentally friendly alternative as they generate energy without polluting or depleting natural resources. 
  • Long-Term Cost Reduction: Wind energy provides cost reductions in the long term. Once WPPs are established, they generate electricity for many years without fuel costs. 

    • WPPs are generally designed and constructed as sturdy structures, so the likelihood of being damaged in a strong earthquake is low. However, earthquake resilience becomes even more important for plants built in earthquake-prone areas. 
  • Since wind turbines are typically flexible structures, they can sway during earthquakes, which can reduce structural damage. Additionally, the foundation designs of turbines are often made to withstand earthquakes.
  • However, the electrical infrastructure and other components of wind energy plants should also be resilient to earthquake risks. Therefore, wind energy plants built in earthquake-prone areas are planned in accordance with strong earthquake-resistant design and construction standards.

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study is undertaken within the scope of the project in accordance with international standards. All potential risks that the project could pose to forest areas have been identified, and necessary measures have been determined. You can access the reports prepared on this subject in the sustainability section of our website.

Dust formation may occur due to construction activities in the area. Air quality analyses, conducted in detail in the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report prepared in accordance with international standards, in addition to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report compliant with national legislation, include calculations for PM10 and PM2.5. Taking into account construction activities and seasonal conditions in the project area, irrigation work will be carried out with water trucks at necessarypoints, and damaged roads will be improved.

The noise level of the equipment to be used during the construction phase of the project has been evaluated in accordance with national and international standards, background noise measurements have been made, and it has been modeled assuming that all machinery will operate simultaneously. Measures to be taken during operation and construction periods and monitoring activities will be carried out in accordance with the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report.


Pipelines identified before starting work will be protected. In case of any damage, they will be restored to their original condition. If you have any complaints, you can report them to community liaison officers face-to-face or by phone, fill out the complaint form on our website, or apply to our construction site to register.

You can use the following communication channels: 

You can send an email to [email protected] for job applications related to the project. You can also inform community liaison officers about your requests.

In case of any damage, village roads will be restored to their original condition. You can report such situations to community liaison officers face-to-face or by phone, fill out the complaint form on our website, or apply to our construction site to register.

There are no wire fences on platforms in the wind farms currently operated by Enerjisa Üretim. In this project, platform areas will not be enclosed with wire fences; they will be designed to allow animals to graze freely.

Land Acquisition

In the event of an agreement, the expropriation compensation will be paid in full through the bank once the transfer of rights is completed at the land registry. You can obtain information about the processes via our Guidance to Land Acquisition and Compensation (GLAC) document provided in this website.

Since legal action has been taken regarding your parcel, you can obtain information about the processes by contacting our community liaison officers either in person or by phone.

In case of disagreement or if you did not attend the negotiation meetings, the process will be taken to court. At the end of the court process, the amount determined by the court decision will be deposited to the relevant bank branch. You can withdraw the corresponding expropriation compensation from the bank by obtaining the relevant documents.

The cost of cultivated crops that will be damaged by construction activities will be paid to the owner via bank transfer based on the current condition of the crop at the time of commencement of construction and the value determined by agricultural directorates. After signing the land entry protocol, no second payment will be made for any agricultural activity to be carried out. 

After the publication of the Public Interest Decision and Expropriation Decision in the Official Gazette, you can file a lawsuit within the legal period (30 days) to cancel the expropriation decision.

The litigation costs incurred during the court process will be paid by the authority (Enerjisa Üretim).

With your grandfather's probate certificate, you need to apply to the land registry office to request the transfer of the land in your name and in the name of the other heirs. Without this process, it is not possible for the expropriation transfer and compensation payments to be made in your name; payments are made to the owners registered in the land registry. One application from any of the heirs is sufficient for the transfer.

When the expropriation compensation is paid, the debts on the property are determined, and the debts are collected first. After the debts are paid, the remaining amount will be paid to the rightful owner(s).

The Resettlement Framework prepared in accordance with the international standards followed in our project contains detailed information about the defined rights. You can access this document on our website.