Complaints and Suggestions

Your opinions and comments are important to us

Complaints should be recorded by community liaison officers within 2 business days latest after receipt. 

  • All complaints are reviewed to determine whether they are related to project activities and real. For issues unrelated to the project, the complainant is directed to contact the relevant party. 
  • For valid complaints, Community Liaison Officers (CLOs) assign actions to the relevant Project Company personnel (depending on the nature of the complaint for assessing and clarifying complaint resolution measures. 
  • Within a maximum of ten (10) business days, CLOs inform the complainant about the actions taken or need to be taken for resolution. If the situation requires a more complex review, this is also communicated to the complainant.
  • As a principle, Enerjisa Üretim aims to resolve each complaint within thirty (30)* business days from the date of registration. 

* This timeframe may be exceeded due to various factors such as the complainant's unavailability, unsuitable land/seasonal conditions, the necessity of third-party assessments, or scheduling adjustments for maintenance/repair works.
