CorporateCEO's Message

İhsan Erbil Bayçöl

Dear Stakeholders,

As Enerjisa Üretim, every step we take towards our goal of being a pioneer in renewable energy transformation is carried out with an awareness of our environmental and social responsibilities. Our undertaking of the entire 1,000 MW YEKA RES-2 projects is one of the most significant steps towards this goal, significantly increasing the share of wind energy, a clean and sustainable energy source, in our portfolio. With the implementation of YEKA RES-2 wind power plants, by 2025, at least one out of every three wind turbines in Turkey will have been installed by Enerjisa Üretim. Undertaking this investment, which will make a significant contribution to our country's net zero emission vision, is a great responsibility for us, who aim for a better future for all the children of the world.

Sensitivity to nature and society is not only a factor we consider when making investment decisions but also forms the basis of our business methodology. While determining the locations of wind power plants, which protect the regions where they are located from uncontrolled urbanization and invasion, many environmental and social factors such as natural resources, biodiversity, cultural heritage, and socio-economic conditions are considered alongside wind potential. Based on these topics, within the scope of YEKA RES-2 projects, environmental and social impacts and mitigation measures for these impacts were thoroughly examined in Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) studies, in accordance with international standards.

Aware of the importance of your participation in the ESIA process, we have begun taking steps to share the results of the ESIA studies with you. With a total display period of 60 days, we aim to learn your comments and opinions and reflect them in our work. At the end of this process, we will finalize the outputs of our ESIA studies and make them continuously accessible to you. To maintain continuous and effective communication, we will keep all our communication channels open throughout the life cycle of our projects.

As Enerjisa Üretim, we are happy to share our environmental and social efforts with you. On this path we have embarked on with the mission of "generating energy for a better future with respect for life," I extend deep gratitude to you, our valued stakeholders, and everyone who has contributed to our success for their dedication.

İhsan Erbil Bayçöl
