Project Introduction

Project Introduction

Tender Date


Implementation Agreement Signing Date


Implementation Agreement Effective Date


Contact Duration

15 Years

Total Investment Amount

1.1 Billion USD Dollars

As Enerjisa Üretim, together with our turbine supplier Enercon, we obtained 1000 MW connection capacity right in the YEKA RES-2 tenders organized by the General Directorate of Energy Affairs (EİGM) in May 2019 Within the scope of the project, nine wind power plants (WPPs) with a total capacity of 750 MW and 180 turbines will be established in the provinces of Aydın, Balıkesir and Çanakkale. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process has been applied to all plants, with approvals obtained between 2022 and 2023.

One of the primary objectives of this project is to focus on the use of local and renewable resources while considering our country's energy needs. Upon completion of the project, it is expected to meet the energy requirements of approximately 575,000 households annually (based on the assumption that the annual average consumption of a household is 5,000 kWh) and to avoid approximately 1.82 million tons of carbon emissions (based on a value of 0.6345 tCO2/MWh for every 1 MWh of electricity generated based on a combined margin emission factor of solar and wind energy according to the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey).

Projects Yeka

YEKA RES-2 Competition:Within the framework of the Renewable Energy Resource Areas (YEKA) investment model designed by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources to increase the share of renewable energy sources and to ensure resource diversification in total electricity production in Turkey, wind turbines with a domesticity rate of 55% will be used to reduce costs, enhance domestic equipment manufacturing, and increase the capacity of qualified human resources.

While the total investment cost of the project is expected to be 1.3 billion US dollars, its direct contribution to the Turkish economy is anticipated to be 1.1 billion US dollars. Upon full capacity operation of the project, it is expected to contribute more than 300 million US dollars annually to the national economy through electricity purchase agreements below market prices. 

A wide range of activities are being conducted, including project development, engineering, planning, construction and electrical works, equipment production and assembly, operation, and maintenance activities considering the stages of the investment process. Consequently, the project will directly contribute to the employment of more than 3,000 people in the investment ecosystem and supply chain. With this investment, an increase in the employment level of the wind energy sector in Turkey, which currently provides employment to 15,000 people, is expected.
